My Heroic Momment!

I just wanted to share with you a post from my other blog " A Temple of the Holy Spirit" where I write about my own journey in bring my Temple back to God's plan of being Holy from fitness to the rosary, since Everything with Mary bring us to Our Lord Jesus Christ..
What is your mortification of the week? What will you give up for the greater glory of God?
I have been on this bumping road of a spiritual journey and I finally got off to ask for directions.
So God puts in my lap (really on the computer screen) a beautiful part of a great book called :
Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers Monsignor P. Lejeune. (Please click on link to view the book) I get to chapter VI; PROMPTNESS IN RISING .. and wow...

Father writes: Rise early! This slogan holds the secret of a complete and perfect life. By rising early the best hours of the day will be yours; hours when the mind is clear, hours well suited for meditation. If, on the contrary, you defer your rising, an irremediable disorganization will continue throughout the day from this first fault. The intellectual and moral life of a person who rises late, Pére Olivant was wont to say, is seized by an impotency like to that of the Romans at Capua. Hence the words of Holy Scripture: "My son, love not sleep, lest poverty overtake thee." Poverty? Yes, but not so much in the sense of material goods, as of the mind and heart.
He goes on to this beautiful point: To rise at an early hour will be irksome. However, this sacrifice will be a very sweet act of love to our Lord. Oh! how happy that day is in which our first actions are stamped with the sail of sacrifice. Be assured, my daughters, that such a day will be replete with good works. It will be a day in which the heart will overflow with peace.
I always remember a saying of St.Josemaria :

The heroic minute. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and... up! The heroic minute: here you have a mortification that strengthens your will and does no harm to your body.


Tiffany said…
Hi Cecelia~ I just found your blog via Melody. Love this post and discovery you made...think I needed to hear that too! I can relate to your physical and spiritual journey...All for Jesus, through Mary. You have a new follower! Ave Maria;-)
Stacy said…
Hi! This is such a beautiful reminder. Uggh. How I hate the heroic moment. Oh, how I needed to be reminded of that wonderful mortification. Even more, how I need to resolve to do it for the love of Jesus. Thank you for sharing.

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