Sweet Mother of God.
"Lovelier than I have ever seen" said St. Bernadette.
Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Its a very special day in our home for its my sweet 3rd child's baptismal day four years ago. We celebrate our Children's baptismal days just as a birthday yet more special. For its the Day that my own child becomes a daughter or a son of God. (today my sweet child is sick with some type of stomach flu)
St John: "See how greatly the Father has loved us; that we should be counted as God's children, should be indeed his children."
God of mercy,
we celebrate the feast of Mary, the sinless mother of God.
May her prayers help us to rise above our human weakness.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.