33 and counting
Well, Today is my birthday! In mood of "Thanksgiving"
I am grateful for and so much more:
1. Life (Thank you Mom for choosing Life)
2. Faith
3. Husband (What a catch!)
4. Children (four and counting...ha ha)
5. My Health (you don't know what you have until something goes wrong!)
6. My parents
7. My sisters and their family. (great brother-in-laws)
8. My brothers (yes, all four of them!) and their family
9. My Mexican family
10. My Country (even in these times, I love my Country!)
11. My Husband's job
12. My faith filled friends... so many ..so blessed, to live so far from family its so great to have these friends..
13. Our New home
14. My freedoms such as to educate my own children and to express my faith
15. Books... and being able to read
16. Great music and being able to hear
17. A cold beer!
18. Margaritas
19. Internet.. and freedom to write whatever your heart desires
20. Chocolate
21. digital cameras to catch great moments and share with the world
22. the Saints , to have someone to care for you
23. Our Holy Father
24. seasons... especially Fall
25. Classical movies such as Its A beautiful Life, To Catch a Thief
26. The Passion
27. drive-thus.. such as banks and cleaners (with 4 thats a great help!)
28. Our military men and women since the beginning of our country! God bless them
29. Policemen and Firemen and all in services.
30. diapers (clean ones)
31. Dollar store (you can't image what great crafts you can make from what you get there!)
32. My college education
33. Our Health insurances.
I can go on and on.. but I leave it at my new age... What will this new age bring me?
I am grateful for you! (And many of the same things you posted!)
May this be your most blessed year yet.
What a great idea to post what you are grateful for as you enter a new year of life.
Keep enjoying all the blessings you have and may more enter your life this year.
Thank you so very much for your prayers! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! God Bless!