Yes, that is correct. We are expecting baby number 7 and please keep us in your prayers so that we have a healthy baby at the end of August. I am about almost 7 weeks and feel very sick. I never got sick with the others but this one, I feel sick all the time. I sure hope it will go away sooner than later!!
Any one have any advices about this morning sickness (or all day sickness, really) ?
Have a Blessed Day!
One of the things that kind-of helped me with morning sickness was ginger waffer cookies. I ate them pretty much constantly, because any time my stomach was empty the all day "morning" sickness was so much worse.
On the morning sickness, I would make sure that you keep up your blood sugar. Eating regularly with a combination of protein and carbs. Dropping blood sugar causes nausea so don't skip meals and eat a little even if you don't feel like it. If you eat crackers or simple sugars, make sure you add protein like peanut butter or cream cheese or else your glucose levels will just keep diving quickly.
Grazing on crackers, fruits and cheerios is what kept me from feeling too ill during the first trimester with my youngest. I lived on peanut butter crackers with my first. I know Cam mentioned ginger already, but I would caution you to not overdo the ginger if it does help you. I was desperate to feel better when I was pregnant with my second daughter and tried more ginger foods than I care to remember. None of it worked for me and to this day (7 years later) I cannot stomach the smell or taste of anything with ginger.
Things I did differently would be offering up every ache, pain and nauseaus moment for the souls in purgatory. I tried to stay active as much as possible. And ate small meals every 2-3 hours, also on a diabetic diet (no insulin). I also craved water in the first trimester, which is unusual for me.
Now that my feet are up, I'm feeling achy and lots of heartburn and indigestion. I think there is a lot of merit in keeping on your toes as much as possible, small meals and lots of water.
Best Wishes!