We 3 Kings..
Tonight is the Eve of the 3 Kings... This is where we give or lets say the 3 Kings bring our children their big gifts. They write letters to the kings and we get a balloon , tie it and up it goes to Heaven.
Next they place their shoes by the door and off to bed to await. .
Bright and early they will be up to see what the Kings have brought them. Each gets 3 gifts to represent what the 3 kings has brought baby Jesus.
One can have a three Kings cake and inside is hidden some type of silver coin or any thing that will not melt . Who ever finds this hidden item will be king or queen for the day!
There are some great books and prayers to celebrate this shinning star of a night!
O God, Who on this daythrough the guidance of a stardidst manifest
Thine Only-Begotten Son to the Gentiles;
mercifully grantthat we who know
Thee now by faith,may one day be broughtto the contemplation of the beauty of Thy majesty.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.