A Daughter of God
(at her party w/Grandmam Pico)
On Jan.3rd... My beautiful babymums... became God's daughter.. As with all my children, their baptismal day is more emotional for me than their actually birthday! Do we really think about it, that you and I are God's daughter and sons. That He loves us so much that He gave us His only Son and the Beautiful Church...
At the church with our friends.. Most of our family joined us by their prayers and spirit.
Fr.Andrew was a very kind and gentle priest. We are so bless to have him for our homeschooling group and our souls!
A proud dad!
"All men are children of God. But a child can look upon his father in many ways. We must try to be children who realize that the Lord, by loving us as his children, has taken us into his house, in the middle of the world, to be members of his family, so that what is his is ours, and what is ours is his, and to develop that familiarity and confidence which prompts us to ask him, like children, for the moon!» St. Josemaria..