Can I have a Supersize order of Graces, Please?

Well, my husband and my Princessgirl are off to Mexico for a 12 days trip due to a wedding. I am back home alone with the two little ones and its just not easy! I don't know how a single mother does it. So we went to mass this morning which was a mess. I believe that if it wasn't for Christ on the alter, I would of been out of there faster than I could think. But I kept saying to myself, I need these graces from Christ just to make it through mass. I didn't hear much what the Priest had said, I just had to focus on Christ on the cross and my time to have Him so close to me that He could feel my struggle and comfort my heart!

To add a humor to whole mass, during the Consecration, when the Priest left Christ in the air, my little Blondie (18 months) says with the biggest smile on her face and stars in her eyes" Cookie... oh,,, cookie...!!" It was so cute to see how they see things as they are now . Makes one wonder at what point does it go from cookie to Christ.... Only the making of the Holy Spirit and our efforts to bring them back every Sunday to Him no matter how hard it is, it must be done, not in the nursery but right there in front of Christ so that one beautiful day it will be..

Christ, My Christ...

May God have mercy on my soul and May the Holy Spirit bring forth graces to all the parents who do struggle to have their children see Christ!


Allison said…
Offering an AVE for you friend, sweet post.
Theresa said…
Oh, Ceci, I know how HARD it is to have your husband away and having to take on the responsibility of getting little ones to Mass all by yourself. Hang in there!Your reward is in heaven!
Catholicfitmom said…
Thanks.. Terri.. That means a great deal! I am glad to see that you are HOME!

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