My Easter Miracle

It is time to share with you all our Easter Miracle.  Many of you know my story of the lost of my son Benedicto last year.  The whole in my heart has been big for some time.  My youngest is going to turn 5 in the Falll and we have lost two since.    In November, I was getting overwhelm with the idea of  not having any more children. I am very grateful for these dear four blessings God has given me! I wanted to rest this feeling of yawning for more children if it was not in God plans.

So I turn to my dearest friend, St. Therese of the Little Flowers and I did a novena, asking, or more like begging God to let me close this hole in my heart and just take what I have on Earth and live it to its fullest.  I knew if God would let me know that these four children on Earth would be it than I could finally really move on in a way. On the ninth day, without the knowledge to anyone at all,  I received my 12 roses from My husband.  I knew than that I was going to blessed once again with another little soul on Earth.

Well, that was in November and months would pass, cycles would come and go and many of them, I thought for sure we had conceive  but than temperatures would drop and cycles would start again.

Lent started and I prayed daily for some type of Easter Miracle  especially knowing that this Easter Sunday was our one year anniversary of the delivery of my son.  But it's all in his hand, I mean all of it!!

Than we had a new Pope Fransico , a dear gentle fisherman, and on St.Joseph's day, he was going to   take place as the next Pope.   In God greatest love for us, we conceived on St. Joseph's day. A true miracle because I have not every ovulated earlier than day 20 in the past five years and that day was day 14.

I didn't sense it until Easter Sunday when just looking at my temperatures, I knew that God has granted us the greatest privileged again, to bear a child for His Glory.

To top it off ,  Our Due date is our wedding Anniversary  December 8th and which was also the date that I had conceived our Little Benedictio two years before!

So I beg you to please keep us in your prayers for a healthy pregnancy  as you can imagine, I am scared to loss again. But I know that I never really lost anything just gain Angels for God's kingdom.  But I would love to hold this little soul , another of His greatest gifts,  in my hands again.

In Your Mercy O Lord, hear my prayer!


Roxaline said…
Congrats Ceci! I have 2 Easter miracles as well!!! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy!!
noreen said…
What a beautiful blessing from God, Cecilia! All in God's perfect timing! Will offer prayers for a healthy pregnancy. May God bless you and your baby.
Allison said…
What wonderful news!! You are assured of our prayers, dear ones.

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